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Change Can Be Scary! 

If you know me, you know flexibility has never been my strong suit. In fact, when interviewers ask the infamous question, “What’s your...

College Athletes: A Cry for Help

There is such a stigma out there that athletes have it all. They are supposed to be seen as the people that have everything together. The...

The Power of “And”

Growing up, I was always the kid who wanted to try everything. My parents would literally have to tell me that I could only choose 1 or 2...

What is the Rush?

In our society today, everyone is trying to rush through every milestone and important step in their life. From graduating high school,...

Grief Sucks…

Grief sucks… There’s no other way to say it. Grief sucks. It comes at the worst of times. It comes when you’re not expecting it....

A Love Letter to my Job

Dear Peer Educator Program, Writing this letter has been difficult because it’s bittersweet to think that this is our last semester...

Healing Through Kindness

“To claim the truths about who we are, where we come from, what we believe, and the very imperfect nature of our lives, we have to be...

Life As a Division III Student-Athlete

One way a lot of people would describe student-athletes in Division III would be “Division III athletes, same passion, less perks.” It is...

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