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How to Help Someone Who is Suffering

Suffering: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. Most of us can look back at our lives thus far, and name times when we...

Taking Time for Yourself

We live in a fast-paced world that focuses on always going and always doing. If we are still or unproductive, it seems like a bad thing....

Finding Freedom in Feelings

We are so quick to tell ourselves to be strong. To stop crying. To get it together. Society tells us that being emotional is a sign of...

The Power of Vulnerability

In a recent study published in the New York Times Modern Love section, Mandy Len Catron refers to a study by psychiatrist Arthur Aron...

4 Ways to Start a Morning Routine

Mornings are usually a toss up for people. Either they love them or they hate them. For me, mornings are my least favorite time of day. I...

Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome to the Berry College Peer Educators’ blog! We decided to make a blog so that we could get on a more candid and personal level...

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