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  • Sarah

Meet the Peer Educators: Sarah

Hey everyone! I hope that your fall semester is off to a wonderful start. I am so excited to be back at Berry and working with the Peer Educators this year! Here is a little bit about me:

I am a senior psychology major and a second-year Peer Educator. I plan on pursuing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology after leaving Berry, and even though I’m slightly terrified of graduation, I am beyond excited to continue working in the field of health and wellness.

My biggest passion, and the reason I wanted to become a Peer Educator, is to research and educate people on the connections between our physical and mental health. Through the Peer Education program I have learned so much about the mind-body connection, but I have also become deeply aware of and concerned for a number of issues that college students face, including stress, substance abuse, and sexual assault. My job is to research these topics and help students make the best, healthiest decisions possible…crazy that I get to have my dream job while still in college!

Some things that I love (besides my job) include running, weight lifting, reading, learning, and traveling. I am completely obsessed with music and perhaps the biggest coffee-addict you will ever meet (I know, I know, it’s bad).

I really love people and I love the uniqueness of people’s stories. I love hearing people’s stories and telling them that their story is the most powerful thing in the world. Oh, and I really (really) love Berry College. The Peer Eds are in the midst of planning a really great year of programs that will hopefully impact Berry in a lasting way, so be on the lookout for our blogs and events! See you around campus!


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